Hello and welcome! A fine day to you, my Lords and Ladies - Prince Hunter the Handsome at your service!
It's a tough job, being a royal pup with a taste for luxury. Call me a prince, but I just know what I like. Healthy skin, shiny coat and a beautiful smile are my top priorities, along with smelling and feeling good, naturally! My secret: a Royal Grooming Routine that every pet deserves!
I want to tell you everything about it, and my Royal Advisors (i.e. my human parents) thought it best if I take you through an average day in my life. Though I assure you, there is nothing average about my day. After all, you don't get to be Prince Hunter the Handsome by being average!
My day begins the night before. To look this handsome and meet the demands of being a royal pup, I need a good night's sleep. It's more challenging than it seems because I let my mum and dad sleep at the head of my bed. Though most nights I'm perfectly happy to curl up in between them.

Mum would love to let me sleep in and wake me with a million kisses, but my Royal Guard and Trainer (my human dad), stands at attention while he pulls the covers off of me and reminds me it's time for brushing my teeth and boot camp. Thanks to the Bug Spray made specifically for active dogs like myself, I don't have to worry about insect bites during outdoor training. And if I get any little scrapes (Marines boot camp is not exactly a walk in the park), the Healing Salve is just the thing.
My dad is a US Marine veteran, so he likes to give orders… "sit Hunter", "run Hunter", "heel Hunter"...etc., etc. I allow it, because I do love our fun play time after the training, and I especially enjoy when we run together. Nothing feels better than the wind in my floppy ears and dad looking down at me with so much pride.
Besides, I have to keep this body in good shape for my adoring fans. Speaking of which, after training and breakfast, everyone thinks it's my nap time - almost! First mum cleans my paws then massages them with our moisturizing Paw Balm.
You'd think then it's supposed to be nap time - not at all, I still have some important social functions to attend. Rain or shine, I sneak out to grace the ladies on our street with my presence. Sadly for them, my heart already belongs to Sophie - the most beautiful little Doxiepoo (part dachshund, part poodle). She doesn't seem to know it yet, but Sophie is my betrothed, my princess, my soul mate. I wonder whether our heirs will have straight sleek coats like mine or soft wavy coats like hers. But of course they'll be beautiful little ladies and handsome little gentlemen.
In any case, let's get back to my busy day, shall we? After inspecting my Royal Estate and parading up and down the block, I head home for a quick nap before dinner. And then comes my favorite part: bath time. Mum and dad think I don't like it… if I complain first and then eventually cooperate, I get extra treats afterwards.
Just like all of the organic pet care products my mum makes, the Shampoo Bar is natural and gentle on both me and my humans. With other pet shampoos, my dad's hands used to get dry after bathing me, and I had skin issues to begin with; which is how our luxury grooming products for pets came to be. Mum came up with them just for me, and they worked so well, we want to share them with all of you.
After bath time, I get the ultimate doggy spa treatment with the All-Purpose Moisturizer mum created to make my skin soft, my coat sleek and shiny, to soothe irritation and help me wind down after a long day. One whiff of the lavender essential oil, and I am ready for bedtime! When my coat is so silky and I smell so good, my parents can't resist cuddling up with me. I love it when they pet me and call me their little Hunty. But if either of them ever do that in front of my fans, I shall be forced to seek new Royal Counsel, effective immediately.

With my dad being a US Marine, we understand the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. We are honored to give back to those who have given so much for our freedom.
A portion of our sales is donated to help veterans in need and their loyal K-9 companions who have served alongside them. We also donate to organizations providing service dogs to veterans with PTSD, TBI and mobility challenges.
When you choose our pet grooming products, you're not only choosing the best for your furry friend - you're also making a difference in the lives of those who have served us all.